Sunday 6 May 2012

EXP 2: Final Post

"Lightness of Concept:
(mass mu) transience
of fragile nothingess"

Lightness in concept - represented by both the lightness of the mass, and the lightness of the materials against the dark volcanic rock.
The transient connection to the obelisk in the distance which fades and appears throughout the day.

The appearance of the obelisk.
The two centres, both light (in mass and colour), with a vast nothingness (mu) in between.

Fragile nothingess.

The object maintains its lightness at night through the lamps.
Lighting the way.

Broken symmetry of the moon in the distance.

The broken symmetry of the sun.

Oku - the mysterious, unattainable spiritual centre.

Disappearing into the night.

Lit path for the students

The students gorge, to lead the students through layers of oku, mystery, depth and a forward compulsion

Lit up at night by lamps in the deep interior.

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